In 1984, moviegoers were captivated by the fictional narrative of "Red Dawn," a film that depicted a group of American...
Employee Relations Articles
Rethinking Geographic Barriers: The Misstep of Dismissing Non-Local Talent
When it comes to filling a job vacancy, hiring managers often aim to streamline the process by setting certain...
The Imperative of Emergency Preparedness for Small Businesses Amidst Heightened Terror Threats
In today's volatile global landscape, the threat of terrorism looms large, casting a shadow of uncertainty over...
Navigating the Federal Contractor Landscape: Key Agencies to Know
As a federal contractor, it is crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of the various agencies you may encounter...
Seizing the Moment: Why Now is the Perfect Time to Start a Federal Contracting Business
In the business world, the realm of federal contracting offers a plethora of opportunities. With a comprehensive...
The Critical Role of Employee Handbooks and Codes of Ethics for Federal Contractors: Essential for All Business Sizes
The complex world of federal contracting necessitates that businesses of all sizes, from startups to large...
The Indispensable Importance of Employee Handbooks for Businesses of All Sizes
In an era of rapid progression and innovation, businesses—ranging from fledgling startups to established...
The Imperative Need for Policies Combating Political Discourse in the Workplace
In today's politically charged climate, organizations must recognize the importance of creating and enforcing policies...
Fluff belongs on your peanut butter sandwich not in the workplace.
In today's competitive business landscape, organizations strive to optimize their efficiency and productivity at every...
The Importance of Clean Backgrounds in Federal Security Clearances
The Importance of Clean Backgrounds in Federal Security Clearances Ensuring the safety and security of our...
The Perils of Being Too Picky: How Being Selective with Candidates Can Be a Brand Killer
In a competitive job market, finding the right candidate for an opening can be a daunting task. As an HR consultant,...
The Importance of Generational Analysis in Training and Development: Unlocking Benefits for Organizations
In today's diverse and dynamic workforce, it is crucial for organizations to adapt their training and development...