In the realm of federal procurement, the General Services Administration (GSA) plays a pivotal role. As the central...
General Articles
Navigating the Crisis: The Declining Mental Health of Our Workforce
In recent years, the mental health of the global workforce has emerged as a silent crisis, one that has been...
The Dual Dilemma of Negligent Hiring and Employing Illegal Immigrants
Recently, a student in Georgia was killed by an illegal immigrant, and his brother was also arrested for forging...
The Imperative Need for Policies Combating Political Discourse in the Workplace
In today's politically charged climate, organizations must recognize the importance of creating and enforcing policies...
The Positive Impact of War on Federal Contracting: Beauty from the ashes.
In a world marred by conflict and geopolitical tensions, it is essential to explore the multifaceted consequences of...
The Benefits of Federal Contracting: A CEO’s Perspective
As the CEO of a company, I have witnessed firsthand the numerous advantages that federal contracting can bring to...
Fluff belongs on your peanut butter sandwich not in the workplace.
In today's competitive business landscape, organizations strive to optimize their efficiency and productivity at every...
The Importance of Clean Backgrounds in Federal Security Clearances
The Importance of Clean Backgrounds in Federal Security Clearances Ensuring the safety and security of our...
The Cost-Effective Advantage of Commission-Only Sales Staff for Startups
Startups face numerous challenges when it comes to managing their finances, especially when it comes to hiring a sales...
The Essential Role of HR in Non-Profit Organizations
In the fast-paced world of non-profit organizations, where resources are limited and goals are ambitious, the role of...
Becoming a First-Time Federal Contractor: A Comprehensive Guide
If you are considering becoming a federal contractor for the first time, you are about to embark on a challenging but...
Ensuring Compliance: Understanding OFCCP and DCAA Regulations
Compliance with federal regulations is a critical aspect of running a successful business. In particular,...