The United States has witnessed a seismic shift in its cultural and political landscape in recent years. The rise of...
Legal Articles
Red Dawn and the Contemporary Geopolitical Landscape: Why Federal Contracting and Skill Development Matter Now More Than Ever
In 1984, moviegoers were captivated by the fictional narrative of "Red Dawn," a film that depicted a group of American...
The Imperative of Emergency Preparedness for Small Businesses Amidst Heightened Terror Threats
In today's volatile global landscape, the threat of terrorism looms large, casting a shadow of uncertainty over...
The Critical Role of Employee Handbooks and Codes of Ethics for Federal Contractors: Essential for All Business Sizes
The complex world of federal contracting necessitates that businesses of all sizes, from startups to large...
The Indispensable Importance of Employee Handbooks for Businesses of All Sizes
In an era of rapid progression and innovation, businesses—ranging from fledgling startups to established...
The Imperative Need for Policies Combating Political Discourse in the Workplace
In today's politically charged climate, organizations must recognize the importance of creating and enforcing policies...
The Importance of Clean Backgrounds in Federal Security Clearances
The Importance of Clean Backgrounds in Federal Security Clearances Ensuring the safety and security of our...
The Essential Role of HR in Non-Profit Organizations
In the fast-paced world of non-profit organizations, where resources are limited and goals are ambitious, the role of...
Becoming a First-Time Federal Contractor: A Comprehensive Guide
If you are considering becoming a federal contractor for the first time, you are about to embark on a challenging but...
Ensuring Compliance: Understanding OFCCP and DCAA Regulations
Compliance with federal regulations is a critical aspect of running a successful business. In particular,...
Properly Applying SCA Benefits: A Comprehensive Guide for Dealing with SCA Contracts
The Service Contract Act (SCA) is a federal law that regulates the wages and benefits of employees working on certain...
The Crucial Role of Human Resources in Mergers and Acquisitions
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have become increasingly common in today's business landscape. While the...